• Mor Xostume - Episode 210

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    Read 3348 times Last modified on Monday, 28 October 2019 20:57
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      Haigouhi Azatian · 2 months ago
      xoz xoz xoz xoz toros  esh toros ev xoz xoz xoz xoz sevak eshol; eshek  toros ev sevak ter anoune var enkav   2 id boye tarrr emmmmmmmm  eshek himar lakodner leninakani lakodner eq, hima imaca.
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      Haigouhi Azatian · 2 months ago
      tevos hord mord tarem vor qez enker es hamaroum, mi varnoc el badmoutyoun groxn e tor iren  couyc da te ov e ays badmoutyoun grore.
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      Haigouhi Azatian · 2 months ago
      toros hima vizd em gdrelou.  digrane jishd e isk dou vayreni anasoun shnere tzezanic lavn e  isk douq vayreni  tevose ev sevake.
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      Haigouhi Azatian · 2 months ago
      sevak ev tevos 2 id  el vize trcnem, anasoun, mi dajan el ed himar  groxn e anasoun er, ba. tqnem beranid meje.
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      Haigouhi Azatian · 2 months ago
      sevake kirovakani esheric es erav, anasoun
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      Haigouhi Azatian · 2 months ago
      sevake rzik arjik karabed e isk Rafe  xelaci dra e , esh heriq e goras esh, varnoc lakod labadki got   hima el  himar varnoc tevosn e tqnem demqid  anasoun  himar 2 d el drami merac anasoun, eshol eshek.
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