• Sery Erbeq Chi Moranum - Episode 125

    (13 votes)
    Read 1708 times Last modified on Saturday, 27 July 2024 11:05
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      Ss · 1 months ago
      es Marin inchia misht mi use bac toxum? ibr siruna? te uzuma ibr achqi enkni😂
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      usa · 1 months ago
      ur ek gnum location chgitek lolll
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      Arev · 1 months ago
      Es Marin aranc hogoci aranc kmkmalu chi kara xosa 
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        Martun · 1 months ago
        @Arev Marin xosum a te artasanum teqst@
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      marta · 1 months ago
      Aregi maman tan mej heraxos@ misht cerquma inchi hamar?
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      seta · 1 months ago
      inch akhmakh hakvadzk e Maryin saroshkayi mi teve var mi ankamits togh lriv hani tchapits tourss ahavor tkegh e yev tsinik 
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